When you toss out veggie "scraps", you may be throwing money away. Don't throw out clippings. Regrow them! Below is a table of vegetables that grow from planting the root or seed. If you have to start them in water, you can plant them in soil once the new growth forms. 💦 = Start in a small amount of water first (enough to cover the root). For more about growing veggies, see this guide.
Growing your own food is a fun way to save money and get you (and your kids!) eating healthier. No room for a lush garden in your backyard? Or no backyard at all? Don't let that keep you from planting! "Container gardens" are easy to care for and work in just about any space. Follow these steps to get started: 1. Pick your plant.2. Pick your container. It could be a jar, can, or milk carton!3. Add drainage.4. Add the plant + potting soil to your container.5. Pick a sunny spot near a window or outside, and enjoy!Here are a few recipes to make with your home-grown fruits, veggies, or herbs! |
January 2021