Foods that are high in protein, like meats and seafood, tend to be expensive. And, you may remember from last month’s post, “Save Money with Plant Proteins,” that plant-based protein will often save you money. Here are a few more healthy, cheap protein foods.

Eat Well Tip: When making eggs, avoid adding extra fat. Instead, cook eggs in a nonstick pan with cooking spray, or make hard boiled eggs that you can eat as a healthy snack on the go. The color of the egg doesn't matter. Brown or white eggs have the same nutrition.
Spend Less Tip: The store brand of eggs are generally cheapest and they are just as good!
Tuna, Canned Salmon & Sardines

Eat Well Tip: Buy tuna, salmon, or sardines packed in water and then rinse the meat to remove excess sodium (salt). For a quick, tasty meal, try Tuna Fish Tacos with Peach Salsa. **In order to limit mercury, the FDA suggests we only eat 16.4 ounces of tuna per week. (That is around 3 cans).
Spend Less Tip: Canned fish lasts a long time, which means you can stock your pantry with these items when they go on sale! You can save even more by using coupons. [Find more Budget Grocery Shopping Tips here]

Eat Well Tip: Choose unsalted seeds, and keep portions to ¼ cup or one small handful in order to limit calories. Seeds can add extra protein to any meal or snack that needs a boost – toss into salads, add to smoothies or casseroles, or use as a crunchy topping for yogurt or whole grain cereal. Need a healthy snack idea? Try this Energy Trail Mix.
Spend Less Tip: Buy seeds in bulk or at specialty stores (like Trader Joe's or Ocean State
Job Lot) where prices tend to be lower.
Dairy Products

Eat Well Tip: Choose low fat or nonfat dairy products to assist with heart health and keep calories down.
Spend Less Tip: Save money by sticking with the store brands of dairy foods. Buying plain, unsweetened yogurt in the 32 oz size container is usually the best deal. You can sweeten with fruit or a touch of honey which will save calories and sugar too. [Or try this easy Fruit Yogurt Parfait recipe]. Buying cheese in blocks and then shredding it yourself will also save money over prepackaged shredded cheese.
For more tips, take a Grocery Tour of the Dairy Aisle with Catalina, one of our Dietitians.